Television Rating Point (TRP): TV Advertising Explained


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The Television Rating Point, commonly referred to as TRP, is a metric used in the advertising and broadcasting industry to measure the popularity of a television program. It is a quantitative tool that provides insights about the viewership, audience preference, and the reach of a particular program or channel. TRP is a crucial factor that influences the decision-making process of advertisers when it comes to choosing a platform for advertising their products or services.

Understanding the concept of TRP and its significance in TV advertising is crucial for advertisers, marketers, broadcasters, and anyone involved in the television industry. This glossary article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of TRP, its calculation, its role in TV advertising, and much more. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of TRP and its application in TV advertising.

Concept of Television Rating Point (TRP)

The Television Rating Point, or TRP, is a standard measure used to assess the viewership of television programs. It is a statistical tool that provides an estimate of the number of viewers watching a particular program at a specific time. TRP is expressed as a percentage of the total television audience, and it is used to determine the popularity of a television program or channel.

TRP is a crucial metric in the broadcasting and advertising industry as it helps in understanding the audience's viewing habits. It provides insights into which programs are being watched the most, which time slots are attracting the most viewers, and which demographics are watching which programs. These insights are valuable for broadcasters for programming decisions and for advertisers for making advertising decisions.

Calculation of TRP

TRP is calculated using a device called the 'People Meter'. The People Meter is installed in sample households, and it records the program viewed by the household members and the time spent on watching it. The data collected from these meters is then used to calculate the TRP. The calculation involves determining the percentage of viewers who watched a particular program out of the total television viewers during a specific time period.

The calculation of TRP is a complex process that involves various factors like the sample size, the time slot, the program content, and the demographics of the viewers. The accuracy of the TRP calculation depends on the representativeness of the sample households and the reliability of the data collected from the People Meters.

Significance of TRP

TRP is a significant metric in the broadcasting and advertising industry as it provides insights into the viewership patterns and audience preferences. It helps broadcasters in making programming decisions like which programs to air, which time slots to choose, and which demographics to target. It also helps advertisers in making advertising decisions like which programs to advertise on, which time slots to choose, and which demographics to target.

Moreover, TRP is also used to determine the advertising rates for television programs. Programs with higher TRPs attract higher advertising rates as they reach a larger audience. Therefore, TRP plays a crucial role in the revenue generation of broadcasters and the return on investment of advertisers.

Role of TRP in TV Advertising

TRP plays a crucial role in TV advertising as it provides valuable insights into the viewership patterns and audience preferences. These insights help advertisers in making informed advertising decisions. Advertisers use TRP data to choose the right programs and time slots for their advertisements to reach their target audience effectively.

Moreover, TRP also influences the advertising rates for television programs. Programs with higher TRPs attract higher advertising rates as they reach a larger audience. Therefore, advertisers aim to advertise on programs with high TRPs to maximize their reach and return on investment.

Choosing the Right Programs

TRP data helps advertisers in choosing the right programs for their advertisements. Programs with high TRPs are more likely to reach a larger audience, thereby increasing the visibility of the advertisements. Therefore, advertisers prefer to advertise on programs with high TRPs to maximize their reach.

However, choosing the right program is not just about selecting the one with the highest TRP. Advertisers also need to consider the relevance of the program to their target audience. For instance, a beauty product advertisement would be more effective on a beauty-related program, even if its TRP is not the highest.

Choosing the Right Time Slots

TRP data also helps advertisers in choosing the right time slots for their advertisements. Time slots with high TRPs are more likely to reach a larger audience, thereby increasing the visibility of the advertisements. Therefore, advertisers prefer to advertise during time slots with high TRPs to maximize their reach.

However, choosing the right time slot is not just about selecting the one with the highest TRP. Advertisers also need to consider the viewing habits of their target audience. For instance, a children's product advertisement would be more effective during children's program time slots, even if their TRP is not the highest.

Limitations of TRP

While TRP is a valuable metric in TV advertising, it is not without its limitations. One of the major limitations of TRP is that it is based on a sample of the population. Therefore, it may not accurately represent the viewership patterns of the entire population. Moreover, the accuracy of the TRP calculation depends on the representativeness of the sample households and the reliability of the data collected from the People Meters.

Another limitation of TRP is that it does not provide insights into the quality of viewership. It only provides an estimate of the number of viewers, but it does not provide information about how engaged the viewers were with the program or the advertisement. Therefore, a high TRP does not necessarily mean a high impact of the advertisement.

Sample Bias

As TRP is based on a sample of the population, it is subject to sample bias. If the sample households are not representative of the entire population, the TRP calculation may not accurately reflect the viewership patterns of the entire population. For instance, if the sample households are predominantly urban, the TRP calculation may not accurately reflect the viewership patterns of the rural population.

Moreover, the accuracy of the TRP calculation also depends on the reliability of the data collected from the People Meters. If the People Meters are not functioning properly or if the household members are not using them correctly, the data collected may not be reliable, leading to inaccurate TRP calculation.

Quality of Viewership

Another limitation of TRP is that it does not provide insights into the quality of viewership. It only provides an estimate of the number of viewers, but it does not provide information about how engaged the viewers were with the program or the advertisement. For instance, a viewer may have the television on but may not be paying attention to the program or the advertisement.

Therefore, a high TRP does not necessarily mean a high impact of the advertisement. Advertisers need to consider other metrics like audience engagement and recall in addition to TRP to assess the effectiveness of their advertisements.


In conclusion, the Television Rating Point, or TRP, is a crucial metric in the broadcasting and advertising industry. It provides valuable insights into the viewership patterns and audience preferences, helping broadcasters in making programming decisions and advertisers in making advertising decisions. However, while TRP is a valuable tool, it is not without its limitations. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics to assess the effectiveness of TV advertising.

Understanding the concept of TRP and its application in TV advertising is crucial for anyone involved in the television industry. With the knowledge gained from this glossary article, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions in the realm of TV advertising.